Category Archives: design.philosophies
general discussions on key principles and components of design, the design process, and more
eLearning Yearning
It has been a while friends. And it is good to see you here reading. Life has an interesting way to mangling one’s carefully crafted and organized schedule, and I am certainly no exception to this rule! This is not … Continue reading
Designer No-Nos: 5 Rules Web Designers Shouldn’t Break
While I’ve always been in agreement with the notion that outstanding design is not created by following “the rules”, there are a few rules of design that are there for a reason, and simply should not be broken. In no … Continue reading
Bathroom Blunders: Shitty Design At Its Finest
The concepts of good and bad design are not limited to a mode of communication, or particular medium. Rather they stand alone, each as pillars to their respective polar sides of good taste. ‘Shitty design’ is no different! So moved … Continue reading
Web Development: Sites vs. Apps (introduction)
The line in the sand that has been drawn through the center of ‘web development’ deepens with each and every web-based application project; a skill set ravine that marks the delineation between web ‘sites’ and ‘applications’. As more and more users find themselves … Continue reading
Logo Love
While I have enjoyed most every aspect of visual design that I have encountered over the years, there is – has always been in fact – one genre that holds my heartstrings tighter than the rest; logo development. I suppose … Continue reading
A Decade of Design: How Time Flies
Being the nostalgic sort, I somehow found myself reflecting back on web design of the past, and how it has evolved in the past decade or so. I began digging up and dusting off memories of image map mayhem, nested … Continue reading
Responsive Design: More Accessible Access?
With the steady influx of “smart” devices on the market, people are able to access the Internet anytime, from any place. Tablets, pads, and smart phones now enable users to connect at-will for a drive down the Information Superhighway, and … Continue reading
4 Horsemen of the Web Design Apocalypse
I’ve always thought of “design” as the bastard love-child of impulse and interpretation – a double-sided assault on the senses – wherein meaning is first established subconsciously through initial reaction, then reinforced by logical analysis. It centers around the notion … Continue reading