Happy Monday Morning, my little monsters! I would say 'Happy Holiday Morning' if in fact I got today off... but... I don't have the day off... rather, I find myself swilling coffee like it is going out of style. Here's to cup number 5. *Slurp-cringe* Ed. note: It may be time to switch over to Rockstar for the day...
At any rate, I am here, dear friends... posting again for -what I hope to be- your undying amusement. I find it difficult to type and think with any sort of regular cohesion, as my mind keeps slipping back to thoughts of a warm bed and of cozy dreams. Alas, such bewitching chicanery only serves to torture me, so I shall do all in my power to avoid said thoughts. Count the coffee... 4... 5... time for 6th cup? Methinks 'yes'.
This past week has been one of challenge and gruesome testing for my family and I. While I shan't delve into specifics, I can say that it looks as though the worst waters have been sailed through, and that the horizon brings with it calmer seas... and for that I am most thankful.
On the work front, one of the two major projects I am working on will hopefully be coming to an approval-end soon, and dare I say 'completion' not too far after... and I must say I cannot wait. Not that I am seeking acclaim or recognition for efforts made mind you... it's just that once the big projects start becoming belt-notches, my own position here becomes engraved and understood in the minds of coworkers... who - until such time - have yet to fully assess what it is I am trying to do here. Damn, this cup is empty.
Perhaps my coffee counting should continue without being encumbered by this last.wurd... yes, I believe that is the proverbial ticket. It is time to seek out lucky number 7... which leaves me counting on the day to pick-up in pace and posterity.
Take her easy boys and girls... it's only Monday