Ours is a world where growing innovations promote shrinking attention spans; where - all too often - the cure is dreadfully worse than the condition, and where as a result, attorneys will offer you a free consultation to discuss the matter in greater vicious detail. An apparent step-child of our own laziness, we have somehow managed to slide backwards along our evolutionary timeline, devolving as we devour and devalue every social milestone that once held us aloft as legends in our own minds. We blame instead of believe, hate instead of hope, and sellout instead of sacrifice. We reflect a society that has truly lost our collective way, and it would see we couldn't give two tin shits to find the roadmap we so deeply need.
Our navigation is now based – not in the celestial bodies we hide in the smog – but rather in the torrents of lies we tell ourselves… the “truths” we have become so ignorant to believe. Guilt is assuaged with gluttonous greed as wisdom gives way to wanton welching or our collective word. We are letting ourselves down by letting our children down… and we let them down by throwing their children away. And perhaps worst of all, we do this while sitting back and placing blame on anyone or anything dumb enough to move into our firing solution. First come, first saddled with blame.
While specifics of innovative detail may differ, this underlying trend of reversion is not anything new to our collective existence. Far from it. Humanity has plodded through time and space in rough, overlapping circles (ruts?) that – from time to time – derail our soul train and throw us from the tracks in a twisted array of myopic madness. It would seem that the only pain and disgrace of this impact and the tragedies it brings is sufficient to stop the regression – if but for an instant – and grant us with a collective moment of clarity much like those experienced by savage drunks as they piss themselves one time too many.
...to be continued...