Happy Friday!
Yes, it has been a while indeed... my apologies for that, friends. At the risk of turning explanation into excuse, I'll just say that my world has been upside down as of late and leave it at that. On the work-front much attention has been directed to creating an AIR application for my employer... a Mac/PC compatible entity that replaces their current (and Windows95-esque) utility. Aside from the 'challenges' of dealing with RoboHelp/Framemaker (and there are MANY), I must admit I am enjoying the task... especially when the native Mac image installed on the company laptop successfully!
Once complete, the next item on my plate is a web-based app that is to replace our current (and similarly antiquated) employee handbook software. Although we are working with an outside vendor for the wireframing (a topic I will reserve for another, angst-filled rant altogether), I am very excited about this challenge... and will post updates as they develop.
Seeing as though it is Friday and the clock is ticking away toward a bit of weekend glory, I will keep this short. Live long, prosper, and have a great weekend!